Monday, June 22, 2009

Every Journey Needs a Journal

Today is the second day of summer. Yesterday was Father's Day. The day after tomorrow, the younger of my two daughters turns 3 weeks old. My mom left last week and my mother-in-law left this afternoon, leaving my husband, my three year old, my three week old and me alone together in this house that is now--suddenly, magically, deliciously--home to four (plus two dogs, so make that "home to six.")

I've been wanting to spend more time with my family--to just be mom uninterrupted--for awhile. I've also been wanting to keep a journal. Maternity Leave provides me with a finite amount of time and one hell of an exciting journey so the two desires seemed compatible.

A blog seemed like a satisfying medium.

Satisfying, that is, my need for an audience, even if only imagined. I've always had trouble with lock-n-key journals. Where's the fun in telling a story to no one? If a tree falls in the middle of the woods...who would hear me?

But on a Blog, the audience is infinite. I imagine you there, even if none of you actually exist. Stephen King says you, "Writer," have to have a "Reader." Someone's gotta hear your tree fall. Reader, welcome to my journal.

1 comment:

  1. I love the new blog!! You are such a fantastic writer, I can't wait to hear how you look at motherhood right now, especially considering we are going through such similar situations. It's as if we are neighbors!!
